Decanterino CULT
The revolution of wine tasting
Why is it the most effective? What is the secret?
The use of microspheres increases the contact surface with the wine. It triggers a "controlled dynamization“ which brings to an effective oxygenation process.
It allows to have a “ready to drink” wine... in seconds.
It enhances the organoleptic characteristics of both wine and spirits that have been through an aging process, helping with some defects and residuals due to long aging.
A great help for professionals within the wine & spirits experience industry and wine lovers.
"Decanterinated wine is the future, because it will be ready immediately, perfectly oxygenated and decanted with a tool that is beautiful to see and use."
"I remember well, I was at a restaurant with a dear friend, a wine producer, and while talking, I observed once again the serving of a wine by the sommelier. I strongly felt the need for a 'ready immediately' wine and noticed the diners' desire for ritual and celebration, watching them swirl their glasses to oxygenate the served wine while they contemplated the sommelier performing his duties during the service."
Here's the idea: Decanterino CULT makes all this possible, a 'ready immediately' wine through a scenic process of this art piece.
Un oggetto d'arte che rende il vino "pronto subito" con un process system emozionale e bellissimo
Decanting, in the case of wine, means separating the liquid from the solid, the fixed residue. Whereas “decanterinato” is the verb that defines the function of our innovative process which, in addition to the aforementioned separation, provides a sharp acceleration to the oxygenation process and as such the readiness of the “decanterinated” wine. But decanting also means telling. From here comes the will and the idea of a design that tells a story...
Unboxing and Impressions
Setup for the experience
Pouring wine
Disassembly and washing
“A new tool, simple, intelligent, functional, portable, versatile; much more than a decanter, it plays down the ritual of decanting and makes it smart, fast, intuitive, effective, beautiful, not only for the neophyte but also and above all for the cosmopolitan collector, in need of precision and speed of action”.
"Speaking of the patent of the architect Carlo Benati, which involves the use of glass spheres to oxygenate wine, in my case the DECANTERINO, we open a discussion on the breathing and oxygenation of the wine itself. The revolutionary aspect is that the waiting moments to have a wine ready to drink are greatly reduced."
"DECANTERINO is a work of art, it presents itself with elegance; it's revolutionary, useful and seductive at the same time, a new journey in the service of wine dedicated to those who have understood that you don't drink to forget but to remember."